Vendor Information

Antiques & Uniques welcomes vendors of antiques, vintage items, artisan crafts, artwork, flowers, plants, local foods and beverages. If you'd like to be a vendor, but your products don't fit into one of these categories, email us! We are looking for an interesting mix! Just remember that we normally book up, so be sure to apply soon.

If you'd like to have a site, but are not directly selling a product (ex: real estate agencies, non-profit organizations, etc.) please consider becoming a sponsor. You don’t need to fill out the vendor application, just go to this sponsor link to find out more.

Vendors can choose to have a site under one of our large white event tents, or bring their own pop-up canopy. If you tell us what your needs are, we will find the best available site for you. We are working hard to be sure that there is wifi on the Common, but we cannot guarantee it will reach all areas. We suggest checking out credit card processors like Square, that can store payment information until wifi is available. There will also be an ATM on the Common for the day. For more detailed information, go to the “Fine Print” on the vendor application.

You can complete the vendor application online here or download the vendor application and mail it to: Craftsbury Antiques & Uniques, PO Box 55, Craftsbury, VT 05826. Payments should be made at the time of application and may be submitted by check (mail or in person at Craftsbury Town Hall) or paid online with Municipay.

The Antiques & Uniques Committee will review vendor applications as they are received and will make a final approval decision within two weeks. We will notify you of our decision by email. Be sure to apply early for the best options!